Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"Women still remember the first kiss after men have forgotten the last”

The majority of the men not give the same importance that the woman for small events between a couple. The man and more insensitive than the woman and objective. The woman is more sentimental than the man and does not forget the best moments the her relationship.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Fox and the Grapes

One day a fox were with much thirst and see a tree with delicious grapes, and happy run for eat the grape, but tree was too tall and the fox can not lift and eat the grapes.The fox were too tired that go back for house saying: I believe that this grape was unripe.
"This fable learn that some people when don't get something put the fault in the circumstance."

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Dear Mrs. Web,

My family does not have a television. When my parents come to visit, they seem uncomfortable that we do not have one. They consider us very unusual because we do not have one in the house. For the third time, they recently have sent us a television as a gift. We do not want to have one in the house and we have given away the other two. How should we handle this?

There are people who have committed their lives to television. They find life without it incomprehensible and intolerable. They feel disconnected. Life without television seems almost medieval to them.

Mrs Web

You should keep your commitment to no television if that is what you and your family chooses. Give away this television too. Tell your parents that you appreciate them trying to share this important thing in their lives with you, but you would prefer not to have it in the house. When they come to visit, they can stay at a motel with television, or if you wish, you can rent or borrow one for the duration of their visit.

My opinion
In my opinion the television is so bad when is substitut of comunication between members of family,and I believe that your family should respect your decision; forgot the television and enjoy with you.I think what is more important watch the TV or see you? Ask your family?