Thursday, May 28, 2009

My future farm...

If I
has won in the lottery.. Firsty ,I buy a big farm in the Moquegua-Peru and will make one cooperation with persons what do not have opportunity of job .The cooperative will plant grape,avocados for exportation, and will plant grape for production of wine and Pisco, it is a famous and delicious drink of grape made in Peru. In plan Second I will make a travel for all my country, because Brazil is a big country, and there is many places what I don't knew , wich : Florest Amazonic, Matogrossense Swanpland ,Lencois Maranhenses, Island of Fernandoo de Noronha . After will travel for all Latin America ( Colombia, Venezuela,Argentina, Equador, Chile...) and Egipt , Mexico and Roma . In thirth I would divide with my family and friends.

Fernando de Noronha-Brazil

Lencois Maranhenses - Brazil

Pantanal Matogrossense- Brazil


  1. I'd love to go to that beach! It looks beautiful.

  2. hi......

    your topic is interisting for me.
